Retainer Agreement Iccrc

The terms “client”, “advice”, “disbursement”, “designation”, “agent” and “mandate contract” have the meanings assigned to these terms in the regulation on the mandate contract and the statutes of the Council. CONSIDERING that the Client and Canada AG Immigration & Citizenship Services wish to enter into a formal agreement containing the agreed terms and conditions under which the “RCIC” of Canada AG Immigration & Citizenship Services provides services to the Client. Regulatory Council of Canada (ICCRC) Immigration Advisors 5500 North Service Rd., Suite 1002 Burlington, ON, L7L 6W6 Toll Free: 1-877-836-7543 The client pays a flat fee and administration fee online (. B e.g. copies, long distance calls, shipping costs, etc.) when he registers online and accepts the mandate contract. Federal application and processing fees (if applicable) are paid separately. Fees, administration fees and federal fees are paid in full online by credit card upon registration. The federal application fee is payable by the “CICR” when the application is submitted to the CIC. RCIC`s failure to comply with any provision of this Mandate Agreement due to terms beyond its control, such as. B government restrictions or subsequent laws, war, strikes or force majeure, shall not be considered a breach of this Agreement. All information and documents reviewed by the CICR, requested by IRCC and all other governing bodies and used to prepare the application will not be disclosed to third parties, other than agents and staff, without prior consent, except as required by law. The NCIC and all CNCR representatives and staff are also bound by the confidentiality requirements of section 8 of the Code of Ethics. “Payments” means the various expenses incurred by a Member in connection with the provision of services to a Customer, including government registration fees, for which that Customer reimburses the Member, and exclude fees for services provided by a Member for the sake of clarity.

Customer acknowledges that if THE RCIC is asked to act on Customer`s behalf in matters other than those described above in this Agreement, or due to a material change in Customer`s situation or important facts not disclosed at the beginning of the application, or due to a change in state law regarding the processing of immigration or citizenship applications, the agreement may be amended accordingly. “Client” means a natural or legal person whose interests require the Member to represent in exchange for fees or other consideration or pro bono in connection with a proceeding or application or potential proceeding or application under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or the Citizenship Act. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws and federal laws of Canada applicable in the Province of Ontario, and except for disputes under Section 8 of this Agreement, all disputes relating to the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved by a court of competent jurisdiction in the Province of Ontario. AND CONSIDERING that the CEFR is a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (the “Council”), the regulator of immigration consultants in Canada; Name: Anyes Gizard Phone: (613) 355-8886 Email: Business: Address 839 Beauregard crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, K4A 3C9 Canada “Authorized Representative” means a person who can provide immigration or citizenship advice and/or services for a fee or other consideration. An authorized representative includes a member with a reputation with a Canadian provincial or territorial law firm (including paralegals in their authorized field of activity), the Chambre des notaires du Québec or ICCRC. In the event that Customer has not sought independent legal advice prior to signing this Agreement, Customer has voluntarily done so without undue pressure and agrees that failure to seek independent legal advice shall not be used as a defence against performance of the obligations created by this Agreement. “Mandate Contract” means the contract between the Member and the Client that sets out the terms of the business agreement between them. In the event of a dispute related to the Code of Ethics, the Client and RCIC must make every effort to resolve the matter between the two parties. In the event that no solution can be found, the Customer must submit the claim in writing to the RCIC and give the RCIC 30 days to respond to the Customer. In the event that the dispute is still not resolved, the Customer may follow the complaints and disciplinary procedure described by the Council on its website under the heading “File a complaint”. “Name” means a person who has been authorized in writing by the Client to act on his or her behalf in his or her dealings with the Member.

The client must indicate which tasks are designated and what is the duration of the power of attorney. A Designated person shall not be compensated by the Client or Member for acting in his or her designated capacity. Taking into account the fees paid and the above issue, the CNCR agrees to do the following: the Client has applied for the CIRN and the CICR has agreed to act on behalf of the Client in relation to obtaining a certificate of Canadian citizenship. In the event that the Client is unable to contact the RCIC and has reason to believe that the RCIC may be dead, unable to work, etc., the Client must contact ICCRC. “Council” means the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council […].