Safta Full Form in Management

More information on this topic can be found on the official SAARC website. The establishment of an intergovernmental group to formulate an agreement on the establishment of a SAPTA by 1997 was approved at the sixth SAARC Summit in Colombo in December 1991. Education: Saarc principles recognize literacy as one of the most important fundamental human rights that can be achieved through education. Therefore, in many forums, SAARC leaders have focused on increasing literacy levels by a quarter by promoting quality education. Leaders in the region have declared 1996 the SAARC Literacy Year. Saarland leaders focused on vocational education and training in particular and therefore asked their ministers of education to develop useful strategies to ensure quality education aimed at raising the standards of South Asian education systems to better serve young people in the region. SAARC countries have cooperated in the development of different dimensions of human resources. The SAARC Human Resources Development Centre in Islamabad has already conducted research, provided training and disseminated information on topics related to human resources development, and advised Member States on policies and strategies related to human resources development. However, at its 18th summit, held in Kathmandu from 26 to 27 November 2014, it was decided to close this centre. The SAARC Charter, which appears to be the constitution of this regional organization, contains provisions on the missions, visions, objectives, principles, structure and functions of the organization, etc. Member States shall be required by law to comply with the provisions of this Charter. However, one of the most important political issues of the Charter is that it deliberately excludes bilateral and contentious issues from discussions.

More information on the SAARC Charter is available on the official SAARC website. The main objective of the agreement is to promote competition in the region and to provide fair benefits to the countries concerned. It aims to benefit the people of countries by bringing transparency and integrity between nations. SAFTA was also created to raise the level of trade and economic cooperation among SAARC countries by reducing tariffs and obstacles, and also to provide a framework for further regional cooperation among least developed countries (LDCs) among Since then, SAARC has implemented many important initiatives, action plans, declarations, etc. These include the SAARC Environmental Action Plan (1997); Dhaka Declaration and SAARC Climate Change Action Plan (2008); Delhi Declaration on Environmental Cooperation (2009); Thimphu Declaration on Climate Change (2010); SAARC Convention on Environmental Cooperation (2010); SAARC Convention on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters (2011), etc. In addition, SAARC signed the Memorandum of Understanding with various agencies, including the South Asia Environment Cooperation Programme (SACEP) in July 2004; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in June 2007; the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) in September 2008 and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC). In addition, SAARC has been acting as an accredited observer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since COP 16 (Cancun, Mexico, 29 November to 10 December 2010) and therefore presented SAARC`s positions on global climate change. With a view to strengthening and promoting regional cooperation, SAARC has endeavoured since 1989 to establish a large number of regional centres with specific agendas and mandates. These regional centres carry out the planned activities and always strive to establish themselves as centres of excellence in their respective fields. In general, these centres are managed by the Boards of Directors, which host delegates from all Member States, including the Secretary-General and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SAARC host country. While the director of each center acts as a secretary member of the board of directors, who submits reports to the program committee.

The SAARC regional centres are listed below. At the 18th SAARC Summit, held from September 26 to 27, the 18th SAARC Summit, held from September 26 to 27. Held in Kathmandu in November 2014, SAARC leaders demonstrated their strong determination to expand regional unity for stability, prosperity and peace in the region by strengthening cooperation in the fields of culture, finance, trade, investment, security, energy, connectivity, infrastructure, the implementation of the highest priority activities and programme-based projects within a given time frame. .