Sermons on Agreement

Prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful tools God has given us. So many believers miss it here. They pray the prayer of the agreement and together take a state of faith. Then, as soon as they get out of the prayer cabinet, they start fighting their hands and saying, “Oh my God, I just don`t know what we`re going to do if this problem isn`t solved!” Don`t make this mistake. Once you have resolved the issue by praying for consent, refuse to act as if this issue is one more problem. Instead, just start praising God. In any case, pretend that everything is fine. Watch Kenneth Copeland guide you through the prayer of consent for healing. (Find a FREE written prayer of the Funding Agreement to download HERE.) Christian brothers, Christian workers, wives, husbands, what determines your agreement with others? You know, again, he says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst” [Matthew 18:20]. The center of our unity is the Lord Christ. We differ in many ways.

O God in heaven, how we can be separated. Hardly two of us will explain a circumstance, a providence or a necessity to the same extent. We differ in every way. But in Christ, in Him, in His presence, we are one. No matter what background, nationality, race, education, mission, or work, we are one in Christ, in Him, in His presence [Galatians 3:28]. Our center of harmony, unity and agreement is found in our blessed Lord. Prayer of agreement within a family is a powerful tool. The agreement makes prayer work! So don`t let your past experience discourage you. Just make the necessary adjustments and stay in agreement – as a family. You will have what you ask for and what you defend in faith, in the name of Jesus! Discuss what can happen when two agree.

Prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful instruments god has given us as believers. This is the prayer that Jesus Himself guaranteed to bring results every time. Believers who agree in the Holy Spirit are a powerful and unstoppable force. We need to clarify our priority before accepting or agreeing to disagree, especially wives and husbands, as your decisions based on your agreements will determine the strength of your marriage. There is extraordinary strength in family agreement because a family is a God-ordained entity with a collective purpose, and when a family unites in faith around that goal, the results are amazing! Your family is also the place where you have the most authority; You make decisions about what you will or will not tolerate from the devil and what promises you choose to believe in God. Jesus said that if two on earth agreed, He would be in the middle of that agreement to see it come true. You are on Earth, so you qualify. If you agree with another believer to touch something that is consistent with God`s Word, He is in your midst to perform it. With guaranteed results like these, why don`t we use this spiritual tool more often? It`s beautiful. It is ok.

It is pleasing that brothers live together in harmony, in unity, in harmony [Psalm 133:1]. It is also a source of infinite and omnipotent power. God is in it. The story of Pentecost begins in this way. The chapter begins, “And when the day of Pentecost had come completely, they were all unanimous in one place” [Acts 2:1]. And the power of heaven was poured out upon them [Acts 2:2-4]. Always this anointing, this power, this presence and these dynamic forces of spiritual outpouring, when the brothers are together in unity, in harmony, in communion. This is an unusual thing, the mathematics of God; for where you will both be together, in heart, soul, and mind, God pours out His all-powerful answers from heaven.

Now that you have written your family agreement, from that moment on, thank God for the answer, knowing that you cannot waver if you want to see results. To fluctuate is to doubt. Another question; He began here with these three verses: “Amen, I tell you, what you bind on earth will be bound to heaven; and what ye lose on earth shall be redeemed in heaven” [Matthew 18:18]. If you are reading this in English now, you do not fully understand what the Lord has said. These verbs are future periphrastics, and if I could translate them exactly, it is this: “Everything you do on earth will have been chosen, chosen, determined in heaven” – it will have been. When we pray in harmony and according to God`s will, the Lord`s omnipotence causes what we agree on and what we ask and pray to have been prescribed in heaven [Matthew 18:18]. The word agreement jesus uses in Matthew 18:19 can also be translated to harmonize or make a symphony. A symphony consists of many instruments that together seem to be a single voice when played together.

If you`ve ever heard a symphony, you know there`s not much to hear when the individual instruments settle down, each playing separately from each other. But when the conductor raises his baton and all these instruments begin to harmonize, the sound they produce is extremely powerful. The same goes for prayer. Believers who agree in the Holy Spirit are a powerful and unstoppable force. This is why Satan fights Christian families. Therefore, he does not want men and women to be united in marriage. He wants us to fight and get angry all the time because He knows it will hinder our prayers (see 1 Peter 3:7). Whenever you do not receive the results of the prayer of agreement, you perform a harmony check.

Ask the Holy Ghost to show you if you disagree with your husband or wife (or someone else). Then follow the instructions in Mark 11:25 (KJV), where Jesus tells us, “If you stand there and pray, forgive if you have raped anyone: that your Father, who is in heaven, may forgive you.” It is not enough for you and your spouse to simply agree on the specific topic for which you are praying. You must also be in harmony in other areas, otherwise your prayer will not really coincide. When I am in harmony, when I am in harmony with God`s will, and when I pray for the spirit of my Savior, and when I ask for the gifts that God is willing to give me, when I conform to God`s heart and will in heaven, I am the recipient of those calls, of these intercessions, of these gifts, of these presences, of my dynamics and these outpourings, for which I pray in heaven. And can I read the side effect. If you do this, if you do this in holy and solemn accord according to God`s will, you have what you ask [Matthew 18:19]. .