Seth Godin Zoom Agreement

Seth Godin wrote Towards a Zoom Deal, which made me wonder: Why don`t companies have agreements for meetings? I would also like to add that of the many companies I worked for (government, private, non-profit), none of them had documents or guidelines regarding meetings and holding more effective meetings. A deal would be a good start: is anyone tired of the constant Zoom calls or online meetings we have? In a company where I worked, the company decided to get rid of all landline phones in the office. We all had Skype on our laptops and our laptops were always with us, so we would call each other via Skype when we wanted to talk. In many of these online meetings, when I was in the room, I looked around to see who was paying attention to the speaker. If the speaker wasn`t in the same room, everyone in the room would do something different on their laptop while “listening.” A simple question that you should ask yourself and that makes all the difference. Do you really need to hold an online meeting? Is one email enough? Can you have the discussion in an internal team board? What I resist is temptation. To check my emails, to visit other websites to do other things. I feel it. I admit that sometimes I give in. But I know it distracts from the experience for everyone. 68. “It is wise to be aware of one`s fear.

Overcoming them is the mark of a successful person. 45. “The only way to solve problems well is to solve them. 39. “Change is not a threat, but an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is. One of my biggest challenges as a teacher is sticking to time allocation. I let others speak, and I speak, and I make the mistake of trying to cover too much ground. I`m still learning to be a good steward of time, and Zoom has made that even more difficult. Chat is where we connect.

In parallel conversations, we have the opportunity to have fun, listen to each other, and learn from each other. Zoom is not conducive to this. In the pre-COVID-19 world, the standard way to meet was by phone. Within a few months, this default value turned into Zoom, MSTeams, GoToMeeting, and more. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the situation. Having attended hundreds, if not thousands, of online meetings, here are five ways I`ve seen and experienced that can help you: Write down everything attendees tell you, and then incorporate them into your meetings next time. Show others that you are willing to improve and watch others follow your example. 95.

“People don`t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they say to themselves. 69. “Remarkable visions and real ideas always meet with resistance. Godin has provided the world with some of the best marketing quotes. Read on! 46. “Create something so good that people can`t sleep without talking about you.” 71. “Amendments are not made by asking permission. The change is made by asking for forgiveness later.

54. “Mediocre is just a failed attempt to be really good. 49. “If failure is not an option, then it is not success. 7. “Don`t find customers for your products, find products for your customers. » 4. “In a crowded market, it`s a failure to adapt. In a busy market, it`s the same as not standing out as invisible.

17. “People don`t want what you do. They want how they feel, and there aren`t many feelings to choose from. 74. “We will not exceed our need for information. 79. “Deadlock is a situation in which you work, work and work and do not change much. 19. “Marketers make things better by making changes. 25. “The secret of leadership is simple: do what you believe in.

Paint a picture of the future. To go. People will follow. 3. “Marketing is about spreading ideas, and spreading ideas is the most important outcome of our civilization.” 78. “Stubborn people are able to visualize the idea of light at the end of the tunnel when others cannot see it.” 55. “The secret to being wrong is not to avoid being wrong! The secret is the will to be wrong. The secret is the realization that injustice is not deadly. Check out this handy decision tree of an HBR article to understand whether or not you should hold a meeting. 15. “Remarkable marketing is the art of incorporating things to note directly into your product or service. Don`t think of marketing as a last-minute add-on, but understand that if your offer itself isn`t remarkable, it`s invisible.

“When my classes move online, we don`t have the opportunity to `not meet`. But we can have an exchange before or after Zoom meetings that helps me improve, use time more effectively, communicate more clearly. .