
I’ve Good Characteristics. Are Women Unnerved by These?

Reader matter:

i’m a 23-year-old guy. My problem is that I can’t appear to find a woman who has alike passions, traits and morals as myself. We have never really had a girlfriend, never had gender, never kissed a girl and not been from a date. I graduated with a diploma in municipal engineering, I am athletic, I don’t take in or smoke cigarettes, i do want to stay a virgin until matrimony, You will find above $200,000, and I am a truly truthful guy.

Cannot females such as these characteristics? Are they threatened by them?

-John Harris (Virginia)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s response:

Your tale appears to have some options. Using one amount, i am wanting to know if you’re a tiny bit judgmental of females who may have even more intimate experience than you, or who may have learned life instructions the tough means, by creating certain errors. Possibly this research excellence is restricting you.

Conversely, I question when your wish to be an excellent man, perfect capture in fact evolved from a concern yourn’t good enough. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy therefore we get what we believe we have earned.

Or, the union vacuum cleaner could merely end up being a result of a requirement for a clean abreast of social skills and mating techniques – one thing perhaps not uncommon for left-brain principal technology and mathematics whizzes.

In the event you that the “game” might use some fine-tuning, i recommend acquiring a male therapist who is going to assist you.

Finally, you may be just searching within the wrong shopping mall. If you need a woman who believes intercourse should-be set aside for wedding, you will probably get a hold of her in a church young people party in place of a bar.

And, yes, some women can be threatened by men who looks thus great. Program ladies the realness, the vulnerabilities, and they’re going to have something you should associate with.

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